Sitemap - 2024 - Hayward Herald

City Loan Terms Finalized

We've Had First Maps, Yes...

How's That HUSD Campaign Going?

City Council Settles On A Map

From Garage to Community Hub

Wong Sues HUSD To Get Back On Ballot

Digging Deep Into Draft Maps

District Maps And Reflections

Council Splits Over Marquee Events

Council's Back In Session, Baby!

Sectioning The Community Ain't Easy

City Council Challengers

Candidate Money Update

Teacher's Union Details HUSD Endorsements

Candidate Interview: Ray Bonilla Jr.

Who's Who Running For HUSD

Things On The Horizon

Community Story Submissions Open

Candidate Interview: Dan Goldstein

Candidate Interview: Francisco Zermeño

Districting Timeline!

Candidate Interview: Angela Andrews

HUSD District Maps Decided..?

City Pushes For More Housing Types

HUSD To Decide Districts Tomorrow

Final Maps For HUSD Districts Revealed

Hayward Collects Its Debts

Police Invest Big In Surveillance

Beautiful Data Center Wows Council

Councilmember Makes Budget Ultimatum

HUSD Updates Faulty Charts

2 Draft HUSD District Maps Appear!

A Push For More Downtown Cops

We Measure C What You're Doing There

Library Continues to Fight Mission Creep

Council Claps Back at Attorney

HUSD Districting Outreach Concerns

Districting Timeline and How-To

HPD Still Covers Children's Mental Healthcare

City Manager Sendoff

April Special District Roundup

Mayor Tries To Axe Homelessness Task Force

On Performative Grief

What To Do About The Community

Districting Lawsuits Coming For Hayward

Fighting Over The Same Scraps

Up To Standards, But Still Disliked

Reparative Justice for Russell City

Essential Support Services Funded

Cooperation Forged In Real Time

Family Man Image Deserves Scrutiny

Hayward City Council Goes HARD

Campaign Contributions? In This Economy?

Primary Reflections

Mayor Salinas Rallies at CSUEB

Re-Approval and General Plans

Speculation Station and Community Funding

Hate Speech Interrupts Council Meeting

Hayward's Place In The Megalopolis

Digging Deep Into Council Plans

State Laws Force Commission's Hand

Black History and Budget Discussions

New Chief Seeks to Build Bridges

Climate Action And Housing Emergencies

Swalwell Stops By Buffalo Bill's for Photo Op

Haywardistes Get City To Defund Apartheid Israel

Money, Public Works, and Labor

Mayor in DC for Special Conference

Planning Commission Vacancy Incoming

Downtown Movie Theater Moves to City Control

December Special District Roundup

Hayward Plans for Climate Breakdown