What Is The Hayward Herald?

The Hayward Herald is a twice-weekly independent local news outlet focused exclusively on the City of Hayward (sorry, friends in Cherryland and Fairview).

My name is Collin Thormoto and I’ve lived in the Hayward Area for over 25 years. I went to Hayward High and CSU Hayward (BA in Creative Writing) and continue to be a dedicated townie. I’m interested in telling the story of our city: Who are those people on Council? What’s happening Downtown? Why should you care about this subcommittee?

I don’t pretend to be objective—the desire for “balance” in news was misguided, at best—but I’m always factual. I don’t write about things that aren’t true and I always have the sources to back my stories. If you ever want them, let me know.

Being as involved as I am in local developments, I try to analyze what’s going on and explain what things mean as best I can. Sometimes that involves guesswork, but it’s an educated guess.

Why Subscribe?

Despite having a population of 160,000 people, local news has been dead for more than a decade. If you live in Hayward and care about what’s going on, this is one way to find out without having to spend 3 hours watching City Council meetings.

If you know what’s going on, you can better tell Council what you want and take ownership of your local government.

Plus, it’s free so you don’t really have a lot to lose. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

One More Thing

If you do decide to subscribe, it’d be a pretty big deal for local news scene. Showing support for local news will give me the chance to expand and cover more things in the future—right now I’m just one guy doing this in his spare time.

If you have any questions, tips, or want to get involved, send an email to haywardherald(at)protonmail(dot)com. I’m always happy to chat with other locals who have a story to tell.

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Local Independent Hayward News. Always Factual, Never Objective.


Amateur journalist in Hayward with an interest in local politics, City Council, and Hayward History. Editor-in-Chief of the Hayward Herald.