Sitemap - 2023 - Hayward Herald

Swalwell Continues to Disappoint During Town Hall

A Post-Modern Year-End Council Meeting

Feel Good Endings

Traffic Dominates Consent Items

The Community Calls for a Ceasefire

More Things Than You Can Shake A Stick At

November Special District Roundup

Focused Topic: Safe Routes Programs

Swalwell Meeting Yields Lukewarm Response

The CSC Dips Into Housing and Public Safety

Much Ado About Jail

Speculation Station and Consent Items Galore

Handbook Revise Brings Changes to Commissions and Council Pay

Consent Item Updates

Booktender Brings Sad Hour to Books on B

October Special District Roundup

Unbundled Parking Slapped Down by Commission

Rainy Ceasefire Protest in Hayward Brings the International to the Local Level

A Meal Too Big For One Meeting

Community Services Commission and Consent Calendar

Global News, Local Perspective

Sprawl Stymies Bike and Scooter Plan

Vote on Vendors and Planning Flexes Muscles

Sidewalk Vendors 2: Vend-lectric Boogaloo

Speculation Station: Litigation and Incorporation

Special District Round Up

Planning Commission Fights for Trees

What the Hell Does That Mean?

A Short, But Meaty Council Meeting

Marshland, Parking lots, and Movie Theaters. Oh My!

Explaining Where Council Is and CSC Updates

Transit and Sustainability Updates For This Week

Biking Across Hayward Is Catching On

Speculation Time

Reflecting on a Month

End of the Month Special District Round-Up

Getting Into the Zone Changes

Council Interviews Prospective Commissioners

The City's Big Investments and Losses in Downtown Anchors

The Why Behind The Hayward Herald