Districting Timeline!

This list will be updated regularly to pull off old events and add new ones as they come up. I’ll check at least once a week, but if you notice something not here that should be, let me know!

Draw A City Map

Draw A HARD Map

Upcoming Important Districting Dates

  • September 10—City of Hayward: Deadline To Submit Feedback On Draft Maps

  • September 16 at 6:30 PM—HARD District Office: HARD FINAL MAPS ADOPTED

  • September 17—City of Hayward Final Maps Posted

  • October 1 at 5:30 PM—City of Hayward Public Hearing on Final Maps

  • October 8 at 5:30 PM—City of Hayward FINAL MAPS ADOPTED

HUSD Districting Site

City of Hayward Districting Site

HARD Districting Site

Why Districts?

The City, School, and Parks district usually hold elections at-large, meaning that everyone across the entire city or district vote for the same candidates in elections. But the California Voting Rights Act argues that at-large elections dilute minority voting power. Cities and government bodies across the state have converted to districts to improve representation.

Hayward is one of the largest cities in the state with at-large elections and is changing to districts, alongside Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) and the Hayward Area Recreation and Parks District (HARD). This means every government body in Hayward is required to draw district maps for the 2026 elections NOW.

The draft maps depend on community input, so communities and neighborhoods aren’t divided. Click the buttons above to give input today!